If you have a Windows PC and want to keep the latest version of Google Chrome on it, you need to download and install the latest version of Google Chrome to the Windows PC. All you need to do is to create a new shortcut on your desktop for your Chrome browser. Then, just save a new subfolder containing all the latest Google Chrome data to a separate user folder and add a shortcut to your desktop to launch it. The %username% in the %username% folder is a unique name for a user account, and a unique folder for the user's latest data. You should always remember the unique names so that you can locate and remove all unwanted files in case of the loss of your computer.
You should install Google Drive on the Windows PC to be able to store all your work-related data and files. Google Drive is a cloud storage service that allows you to store your work related files, documents, and folders on their server. It also allows you to upload the files you have stored to your Google Drive account from any PC on the network, without the need of installing an application on the PC. Once you have installed the application on the PC, it will provide the option to install the same on the Windows PC by clicking on the Google Drive icon in the task bar. This will ensure that you can access the Drive directly from your Windows PC instead of having to install the application on the PC.
Once you have installed the application, you need to go to the installation wizard of the Google Drive application and follow the installation wizard to install the application. After that, go to the "My Google" section and click on the Google Drive icon in the toolbar. Now, you can start working with your Google Drive account. You should never open any file directly from the Drive and always save the file in your hard drive. This is to ensure that you can access your files from any Windows PC.